How do you describe where a pendulum is in its cycle – is it at the beginning, the middle, the end? The phase tells you _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ The concept of phase is most important when comparing ___________________________________ ____________________________________________. Imagine two identical pendulums. When you start them together, their graphs look like the picture below. They are in phase. Each is at the same place at the same time. But if we started one pendulum swinging a little before the other one, the graphs would look like: Both pendulums have the same cycle, but they’re not in the same place at the same time – the first pendulum is always _________________________________________________________ If the two oscillators are _________________ degrees out of phase, we say that they are _____________________ cycle apart. This means that when pendulum 1 is all the way on the left, pendulum 2 is ___________ ___________________________________________________________