Introductions The four objectives of an introduction Get the attention of the audience Reveal the topic of the speech Establish your credibility and good will Preview the body of the speech
Introductions Ways to Gain Attention Startling Statement Arouse Curiosity Rhetorical Question Relevant Anecdote
Introductions Establishing Credibility and Goodwill Credibility is the audience’s perception of whether a speaker is qualified to speak Let the audience know the source of your interest and expertise Goodwill is the audience’s perception of whether the speaker has the best interests of the audience in mind Diffuse hostility when advocating an unpopular position
Introductions Preview the Body of the Speech A statement in the introduction that identifies the main points to be discussed in the body of the speech You may also want to give specialized information – definitions or background – that your listeners will need to understand the rest of the speech
Conclusions Reinforce the audience’s understanding of the central idea Let the audience know you are ending the speech
Conclusions Effective Methods for Ending a Speech Quotation Make a Dramatic Statement Refer to the Introduction
Conclusions Effective Delivery Methods for Ending Crescendo Ending – a conclusion in which the speech builds to a zenith of power and intensity Dissolve Ending – a conclusion that generates emotional appeal by fading step by step to a dramatic final statement