5th Grade ELA Workbook Fee $45 PTO Fee $10 Learning Focus Word Study port (can be moved around) report: a spoken or written account of an event export: to send goods or services to another country for sale transport: to take or carry people or goods from one place to another by a vehicle, aircraft, or ship (mainly in science fiction) teleport: able to transport across space and distance instantly airport: a complex of runways and buildings for the takeoff, landing, and maintenance of aircrafts carport: a shelter for a car consisting of a roof supported on posts built beside a house deport: expel from a country, typically on the grounds of illegal status or for having committed a crime support: to bear all or part of the weight of; hold up import: bring goods or services into a country from abroad for sale passport: an official document used by the government allowing a person to travel abroad Reading Comprehension Toolkit Read Alouds Writing Fictional Narrative writing Language - Word Study ** Students are expected to read 20-30 minutes a night and study their words for the weekly word study quiz ** Contact Me: mkwasny@madison-schools.com Upcoming Dates: August 21: Open House 5:30-7:00 Workbook Fee $45 PTO Fee $10 August 20-24, 2018 - Word Study Quiz - Writing Assessment - Reading Assessment