Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Status of reporting


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Presentation transcript:

Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Status of reporting European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit MSCG 12-13 November 2013, Brussels

MSFD Scoreboard Status at 7 Nov. 2013 Art. 26 Art. 7 Art. 8/ 9/10 Status at 7 Nov. 2013 Art. 26 Art. 7 Art. 8/ 9/10 Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Art. 26 Art. 7 Art. 8/ 9/10 Latvia Lithuania Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden UK Received Part received Not received

Assessment, GES, targets – reports received (Art. 8, 9, 10) Status at 8 Nov. 2013 Member State 'Paper' reports Electronic reports Art. 8, 9, 10 Art. 8, 9, 10 (7 xml files) Spatial data (2 files) BE Belgium BG Bulgaria HR Croatia CY Cyprus DK Denmark EE Estonia FR France FI Finland DE Germany EL Greece IE Ireland IT Italy LV Latvia LT Lithuania MT Malta NL Netherlands PL Poland PT Portugal RO Romania SI Slovenia ES Spain SE Sweden UK United Kingdom Report received Report part received Report not received 6

Reporting Art. 8/9/10 - summary Non reporting PL Partial reporting HR, PT Geographic data (GIS maps) awaited BG, CY, HR, PL, PT All articles and (sub)regions (paper, electronic) BE, DE, DK, EE, EL, FI, FR, IT, LV, LT, MT, NL, RO, SI, SE Partial reporting: PT missing Azores & Madeira; HR missing 8c, 9, 10 Electronic reports (xml): missing for PL, PT (HR – missing 8c, 9, 10; UK missing for Gibraltar) Geographic files needed for reference data sets (maps) – important to have MS submit their boundaries for MSFD marine waters (not have to use VLIZ EEZ data set)