我的美語故事小書 Rocking chair 聲音:王映婷Jodie Sorry~ 聲音等一下才會出來喔! 這是我自己做的簡報檔喔!


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Presentation transcript:

我的美語故事小書 Rocking chair 聲音:王映婷Jodie Sorry~ 聲音等一下才會出來喔! 這是我自己做的簡報檔喔!

He is Charlie. He has no father. He likes to draw his father. Mom, thanks! You are drawing well. He is Charlie. He has no father. He likes to draw his father.

Every night Charlie’s mother Yes, it’s cool! Wow!~ It‘s cool. Every night Charlie’s mother tells him a story.

The rocking chair is broken. It’s OK. The rocking chair is broken. The rocking chair is broken. Charlie is sad.

Charlie has no money to buy I wish I can buy rocking chair. I can help you. Charlie has no money to buy a rocking chair

Charlie’s Daddy can help him. is that You? Yes! it’s me. I can help You. Charlie’s Daddy can help him.

Thank You!