CBSC15 Paramaribo, Suriname, 7-9 June 2017 IHO Secretariat Report
Entry into force of the Amendments to the IHO Convention - IRCC will report to the Council that will then refer endorsed proposals for adoption either to the Assembly or to the Member States through correspondence - the planning cycle for the IHO WP and budget changes from a 5-year to a 3-year cycle. The next cycle will run from 2018 to 2020
Entry into force of the Amendments to the IHO Convention - for States wishing to join the IHO that are already Member States of the United Nations there is no requirement to seek the approval of existing Member States of the IHO - When voting by correspondence, decisions will be taken based on a majority of the Member States that cast a vote, rather than those entitled to vote (one-third of all Member States eligible to vote must vote positively for the vote to stand)
IHO Membership Currently 87 Member States versus 162 coastal States (54%) CB Activities focusing in the non-Member States must also convey the message for them to join the IHO Three suspended Member States
International Hydrographic Review (IHR) The IHR provides an ideal opportunity for Regional Hydrographic Commissions and Member States to publicize technical and other achievements in the region. Papers for consideration for publication in the IHR should be forwarded directly to the editor (, copy to The deadlines are: - End of January for the May Edition; - End of July for the November Edition.
Other matters Other matters will be covered in specific agenda items.
Thank you.