DRAWING: Draw a table in the room. No ruler, just free hand with a pencil. Don’t draw the chairs, other students or anything on the table. Just the legs and the top of the table. Vocabulary & Definition: Perspective: the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.
Writing Warm Up Artist: James Turrell Title: Purusa Date: 2011 Art History Journal: Write ½ page about the artist’s work. Artist: James Turrell Title: Purusa Date: 2011 Question: Describe the materials the artist used. Where would you get these materials? Use yesterday’s vocabulary word.
Drawing Warm Up Texture: Write Vocabulary Definition: DRAWING: Draw Your Name Using One Point Perspective Correctly. Just Your First Name. Texture: the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.
Writing Warm Up Artist: William Powhida Information: Artist: William Powhida Title: Everyone I’ve Met From Memory Date:2005 Try to draw someone you live with from memory. (It’s not easy)