Been there, done that (III) Time to move on 920001J Introduction to Doctoral Training Been there, done that (III) Time to move on Faculty of Education Héctor J. Pijeira Díaz Ph.D. candidate
How did I become a Ph.D. student? Background: Telecommunications Engineering PhD studies at the intersection of educational psychology, psychophysiology and computer science SLAM project: Multimodal data, multidisciplinary research My short story: originally from Cuba, moved in 2007 to Madrid, Spain, where I did my bachelor and master in Telecommunications Engineering. Conditional studies. Study rights. 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
At which point of the Ph.D. training am I? Thesis in publication process Thesis title: “Electrodermal activity and sympathetic arousal during collaborative learning” Keywords: collaborative learning, interpersonal physiology, sympathetic arousal, electrodermal activity Article-based thesis: 3 articles Defense: May 3rd, L10 12:00 Linnanmaa Campus. Livestreamed on 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
Which came first, the Ph.D. or the Ph.D. supervisor? There are big philosophical issues or intriguing research questions out there, such as who was the supervisor of the first PhD student ever. If someone’s doing a PhD on history here and hasn’t made their research plan yet, this might be an option. 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
Supervisors and follow-up group Sanna Järvelä Paul A. Kirschner Hendrik Drachsler Supervisors and follow-up group MULTIDISCIPLINARY Follow-up group Arto Hautala Cardiovascular Research Group Miki Kallio Unit for Strategy and Science Policy Arttu Mykkänen Learning and Educational Technology University of Oulu Open University of the Netherlands Goethe University Frankfurt Different ways of working, different backgrounds, different leadership styles, different characters, different experiences. It exposes you to the fact that there is not a correct single way of doing things, and widens your learning sources. INTERNATIONAL 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
Personal study plan and research plan Interesting vs relevant Planning the Ph.D. training. Where do you foresee your Ph.D. taking you? The research plan changes throughout the training. Even some of the keywords might change. The PSP. Career planning. Do not plan too far because most likely you will forget those skills. Plan the PSP for your immediate needs. The coursework as the word itself says, takes work, and time. Interesting and relevant are two different things. Interesting and necessary are two different things. Time management is an essential skill in the Ph.D. training. 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
The literature review Mendeley. Read, read, read. A humble experience. Multidisciplinarity implies that we have to read twice or three times as much. There is no such thing as too much reading. But beware, reading is time consuming. Dust off some old books. In my opinion, the ideal first article is a literature review. 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
They call them classics for a reason Eye opening If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants. Artificial intelligence in education (YEAR) Intelligent Tutoring Systems Technology in education: the radio, the TV, the personal computer 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
Writing Style. Field conventions. British vs American English. Take courses available. Clarity. Smooth flow of the text. Coherence. Consistency. Formalities (references). Practice makes perfect. Critically constructive reviews can be incredibly helpful and teach us more than the courses we take on writing. If possible, have your work read by a colleague. And remember to return the favor. We cannot please everyone, use the comments wisely and make your own informed decisions on what’s best for the manuscript. 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
“Failure is success in progress” Albert Einstein The PhD process is about developing resilience. That grant you did not receive. That paper which got rejected. That idea your supervisor did not approve. That data that was far from perfect. That analysis revealing not significant results. That deadline you did not meet. 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
What’s behind success 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
There will be days where visibility is low 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
And then it gets better 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
Laughing it off 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
And we didn’t know we were skilled in all these genres… 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
Other facets of the Ph.D. training Teaching “In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.” Phil Collins Acting as a reviewer Collaborations When you feel you are ready Co-authoring papers other than those to be included in your dissertation 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
Time to move on Dealing with uncertainty. 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
Happiness The acceptance of your first article. Your first citations! Flexibility. The pleasure of learning. Delving into a topic. See your own evolution. There’s still a long way to go, but you are already in a far better position as compared to when you started. Work-life balance. Even with its winter, darkness, and some years inexistent summer, I love this place. Doing the PhD is being a rewarding experience. Abdul Moiz 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
“Oh, The Power To Be Strong And The Wisdom To Be Wise, All These Things Will Come To You In Time. On This Journey That You’re Making There’ll Be Answers That You’ll Seek, And It’s You Who’ll Climb The Mountain, It’s You Who’ll Reach The Peak.” “Son of Man” Disney's Tarzan 14.03.2019 Pijeira Díaz, Héctor J. | Been there, done that
Thank you Kiitos Gracias Hvala vam धन्यवाद շնորհակալություն Asante Hector.PijeiraDiaz (at) Thank you Kiitos Hvala vam Gracias धन्यवाद շնորհակալություն Asante شكرا Спасибо Obrigado Teşekkür ederim ありがとうございました 謝謝 Köszönöm Dziękuję Ci Merci @hjpijeira