Unusual New Year’s Customs -Read the article “Unusual New Year’s Customs” in pairs -highlight/underline each custom/tradition from around the world (use a different color for each one) -On your world map, label and color each country that you found in the article. Use the same color you used to highlight them in the article, and draw a small sketch that represents that tradition -using the website http://www.123newyear.com/newyear-traditions/ find New Year’s traditions for 2 other countries in the world -label and color these two countries on your world map -Compare and contrast these 2 celebrations answering the following questions: What do the different celebrations have in common? How are they different? How are symbols used, what do they represent, and why are these symbols components of cultural events? -answer the following questions: Research and EXPLAIN how any custom/tradition started. 2. Why do you think different places develop different traditions? EXPLAIN