²gether NHS Foundation Trust


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Presentation transcript:

²gether NHS Foundation Trust Main title slide page Co-brand logo here Well Woman Wednesdays Sharon Elliott Louise Forrester Angela Willan ²gether NHS Foundation Trust

Well Woman Wednesdays at Wotton Lawn Hospital….how it all began….

In 2017 83% women attended for their cervical screening, for women with an Serious Mental Illness (SMI) this figure dropped to 63%. Back then, we asked the question on admission…..then advised patient to contact GP on discharge A QI project was devised to increase the offer of cervical screening to women within Dean Ward, Wotton Lawn Hospital Welcome Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name

In an ideal world we wanted… Welcome Opportunity for women to have screening in an NHS environment that is familiar, supportive and comfortable at a time that is right for them. Involve female service users and nursing team to work proactively together and make this idea a reality. Education for both groups. Minimise anxiety or adverse psychological aspects of screening. Offer screening by using a flexible, timely, whole person centred approach demonstrating sensitivity. Maximise trust with a professional that is familiar and offers choice to the woman through communication and consultation. Reduce embarrassment through education and facts around cervical screening, including instruments used and the procedure.   Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name

From ideas to reality.. Uploaded to the Life system. Driver diagram created PDSA Cycle Measurable Aims; Increase the offer of cervical screening to 100% of women on Dean Ward over a period of 6 months.   Increase the uptake of screening by women on Dean Ward to over 40% in the next 12 months

Welcome Fast forward to 2019…. Main title for slide set Achieved the targets we set ourselves Cytology now discussed with all women on Dean Ward, Screening embedded within electronic health record March 2019- Internal Audit 100% women offered screening if needed. Uptake of screening 65% March 2019 PHE launches cervical screening campaign to tackle 20 year low attendance. 71.4% This pilot led us onwards and upwards….. and to a new all improved service….. Well Woman Wednesdays!!!! Main title for slide set Optional sub title or name

Welcome More PDSA Testing! A P S D DATA : FEEDBACK TO FRONTLINE STAFF Welcome Cycle 1D: Implement Well Woman Wednesdays within Dean Ward Cycle 1C: Liaise with other screening services Cycle 1B: Test out the likelihood of screening with experts by experience/have a conversation. Cycle 1A: Test out the idea of ward based full well woman screening with ward manager and wider team.

Breast Checks Contraception Advice Sexual Health Weight Management What women wanted….. Breast Checks Contraception Advice Sexual Health Weight Management Dental Advice

What we did!! Well Woman Wednesdays Listened Liaised Invested Implemented Well Woman Wednesdays

Why it matters… Work recognised by Equally Well, RCN, Jo’s Trust Complements NHSE Primary Health Check requirements Patient feedback, low numbers, high rewards… Stella’s Story

Hot off the press!! People living in the community with an SMI are less likely to take up the offer of screening and are specifically identified as needing additional support to access screening Screening providers should work with mental healthcare staff to make sure: individuals can make an informed choice about screening reasonable adjustments are put in place so that screening is accessible

What next? Increase coverage- Recovery Units/Community and LD services Continually review and adapt Men’s Health Mondays!

Any Questions?