ORGANIZING THE PERIODIC TABLE 1. Color the square for hydrogen yellow. 2. Color the elements in Families 1-12 blue. 3. Color the bottom two rows of elements blue. 4. Color the elements Al, Ga, In and Tl in Family 13 blue. 5. Color the element Sn and Pb in Family 14 blue. Color the element Bi in Family 15 and Po in Family 16 blue. ALL ELEMENTS THAT ARE COLORED BLUE ARE METALS. 6. Color the metalloids red. The metalloids are B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, and Te. 7. Color the rest of elements yellow. ALL OF THE ELEMENTS COLORED YELLOW ARE NONMETALS. 8. Circle the two elements that make up 99 % of our air in green. 9. Circle the one metal that is a liquid at room temperature in black. 10. Circle the noble gases in orange.