Lesson 64 Photocopy: Assignment Log Learning Objective Log A Trip Through Time Worksheet
Mr. Petersen Bonneville Junior High Lesson 64 8th Grade Mr. Petersen Bonneville Junior High
Self Starter Sheet 40 Points Possible Today’s Learning Objective and Questions Learning Objective: Students will draw a timeline of different events in past history. Essential Question: What was the name of the super continent that was once together as one big landmass? Answer: Pangaea
8th Grade *Glossary List [ 1] convection- Paleontologist- Loam-
Constructive Response Question [ 3] Draw a sequence of rock layers with the oldest rocks being sandstone, then shale and then limestone. Show folding and faulting. Explain why some sedimentary rock layers may not always appear with the youngest rock on top and older rocks below. (As soon as we have about 5 questions students will be given a test on this material).
Answers 1. Sedimentary rocks form in flat sheets that are disrupted by tension, compression and shearing of Earth’s crust. Folding and faulting results and alter the form of the layers.
Directions Hand out the student sheet and have the students use the internet to fill in the table and then answer the questions. Today we are going to work in small groups to make a visual timeline poster for a location in fictitious Strangeland. You do not need to include dates, just draw accurate pictures, in the correct order, of what their location looked like from the ground in the past. Then we will do a Gallery Walk, we will hang the posters up and walk around and look at everyone’s posters. Posters will be graded and are worth 50 points for each student. 50-45= A 44-40=B 39-35=C
Pass out Poster Paper