Keep Aluminum Ladders Away From Electricity Aluminum ladders are lightweight and easy to use. But aluminum ladders have one major drawback—they conduct electricity more readily than ladders made of other materials such as wood or fiberglass. That is why they should never be used for any sort of electrical work—even for changing a light bulb. They should never be used in any area where there is danger of them contacting an electrical source such as overhead power lines or light fixtures. ©MMI Bongarde Communications Ltd.
Keep Aluminum Ladders Away From Electricity Here are some things to look for before you use an aluminum ladder: • Check for defects such as dents and twisting. • Make sure all the rungs are tight in the side rails and that any bracing is in good condition. • On aluminum extension ladders, also check ropes, pulleys and fittings to make sure they are secure and in good condition. ©MMI Bongarde Communications Ltd.
Keep Aluminum Ladders Away From Electricity • Check for signs of damage. A ladder which has been dropped or exposed to fire may be unsafe to use. • Make sure that the anti-slip footings on the ladder are in good condition and are not loose. • If you find any defects in an aluminum ladder (or any other kind of ladder), remove it from service and tag it so that it can be inspected, repaired or destroyed. ©MMI Bongarde Communications Ltd.
Keep Aluminum Ladders Away From Electricity Here are some general tips for the safe use of ladders, including aluminum models: • Choose the right ladder for the job, one which is neither too long nor too short. • Put the ladder on a level, solid surface. • If it's a straight ladder, extend it at least three feet above the top support. • Remember the 4 to 1 ratio. For every 4 feet up, the base of the ladder should be 1 foot out. ©MMI Bongarde Communications Ltd.
Keep Aluminum Ladders Away From Electricity • On an extension ladder, the sections should overlap by a minimum of three feet, with more overlap for longer ladders. • Tie or secure the top of the ladder. If this is not possible, tie off the bottom or have someone hold it. • Always face the ladder and use both hands when climbing up or down. • With a stepladder, do not step on the top two steps. With a straight ladder, do not step on the top four rungs. ©MMI Bongarde Communications Ltd.
Keep Aluminum Ladders Away From Electricity • To avoid tipping the ladder to the side, always try to keep your body within the side rails of the ladder. Do not lean to either side. • Wear non-skid, well-fitting footwear which is free of grease or mud. • Carry tools on a belt or hoist them up, and hoist up materials as well. Do not carry them in your hands. • Do not paint ladders because it is difficult to see defects or damage when they are covered by paint. Follow these general guidelines to use a ladder safely. Keep all ladders away from overhead wires and electrical fittings. Don’t use aluminum ladders around any electrical installation. ©MMI Bongarde Communications Ltd.
quiz Keep Aluminum Ladders Away From Electricity 1. A great characteristic about aluminum is that it does not conduct electricity. True or False 2. Metal ladders should not be used when working with electrical fixtures or power lines. 3. Ladder safety is fairly straightforward and simple. ©MMI Bongarde Communications Ltd.
quiz Keep Aluminum Ladders Away From Electricity 4. Maintenance is an integral part of ladder safety that should not be overlooked. True or False 5. Minor twists and defects in ladders do not present any danger to its user. 6. It is a good idea to remove defective ladders from circulation. ©MMI Bongarde Communications Ltd.
quiz Keep Aluminum Ladders Away From Electricity 7. Painting a ladder is an excellent way to hide ladder defects and damage. True or False 8. When working with ladders, it is important not to carry tools in your hands. Instead, a work belt or hoist system should be used. 9. Bunny hoping a ladder is a safe and effective way to move without slowing down production. ©MMI Bongarde Communications Ltd.
quiz Keep Aluminum Ladders Away From Electricity 10. When using an extension ladder, the section should overlap be at least: A. One foot. B. Three feet. C. Five feet. D. None of the above. ©MMI Bongarde Communications Ltd.
quiz answers Keep Aluminum Ladders Away From Electricity 1. True 3. False 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. True 9. False 10. B ©MMI Bongarde Communications Ltd.