Setting the (new) Scene Pygmalion 2014
Create! You may either work alone or in partners. Today you will re-create a scene from Pygmalion. You may choose to re-create a scene from act 1, 2, or 3. The “scene” you choose should span about 4-5 pages of the play.
Here is the Twist! While re-creating this scene you must: Put the characters in a completely new setting Modernize the names Modernize the language Modernize the situation (not voice lessons– change it!) But! Keep the integrity of what the play is all about! (3 characters; transformation)
Format Requirements You must: Format your scene like the play. That means narration to set the scene, character names and what they say after, etc. Basically, copy the format of the book Example: Narration is so much fun. Look, I set the scene! Wow. Margie: don’t you love modernizing plays? John: I sure do!