Assessed seminar discussion Choose two primary sources we have studied in the workshops. Discuss how they help historians understand the causes of and/or the development of popular protest in Britain, 1760-1848.
You need: A chair 2 to 4 ‘experts’ on from 2 to 5 primary sources Someone to conclude the discussion You need to prepare: Timings – from 10 to 15 minutes Questions to each other about the sources and the topic
Tips Make sure everyone has room to speak Make sure you don’t dominate discussion or go on too long This is not a single person presentation but a group discussion – question each other and jump in if you have an idea. Smile and acknowledge the audience! Encourage questions and debate from the audience.
Marking criteria (1) content (75%) – have you demonstrated knowledge of the topic and of the primary sources? Have you shown some awareness of historiography? Have you theorised how historians might use material and visual sources?
Marking criteria (2) Discussion skills (15%) – are you responding to debate and formulating the right questions? Are you using appropriate language? Inclusivity (10%) – are you encouraging and acknowledging each other? Are you making sure not to monopolise discussion or, conversely, not avoiding saying anything?