Developmental Psychology Biosocial Development in Infancy
Average Physical Growth Average infant birth weight is lbs. Typical 2 year old is of adult weight Average infant length is in. Typical 2 year old is in tall.
Brain Development Newborns brain is approximately % of adult weight By 2 years, this has increased to % Increases / changes in physical structure of the brain occure Neurons, axons, dendrites, cortex Synaptic gap ( ),
Brain Development Newborns Neural pruning Newborn has Dendrites increase in number Brain weight in the first 2 years Neural pruning Unused neurons / misconnected dendrites are killed off
Brain Development Prefrontal Cortex Involved in Causes rupturing of blood vessels in the brain and breaks neural connections
Early Experience and The Brain Examples of experience expectant brain functions? Examples of experience dependant brain functions?