Our 4th Grade Classroom News The Week of November 28 – December 2 Email: sarah.ingram@cravenk12.org Website: http://mrsingram-4thgrade.weebly.com/home.html Upcoming Events Volunteers Needed Monday, November 28 – End of Grading Period Friday, December 2 – Picture Retake Day Monday, December 5 – Report Cards Monday, December 5 – Book Fair Begins On December 19 from 1:00-2:00, staff will be attending the staff Christmas party. I am looking for 3 parents that could monitor the class during this hour. The students will be watching “The Polar Express” during this time. Please let me know if you are available! Reminders Field Trip fees are currently due. Fees are $25. Please send in your child’s money as soon as possible! Our Learning Academic Excellence will take place December 8 at 11:15. If your child is to receive an award, you will receive a notice WITH their report card. Math: Multiplication Strategies for Multiplying Large Numbers Reading: Novel Study: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Character Traits Summarization Social Studies Native Americans The class Christmas party will be December 19. If you are willing and able, please let me know if will be donating snacks! Spelling 1. brow 2. plow 3. crowd 4. gown 5. growl 6. blow 7. throw 8. bowl 9. arrow 10. follow At-Home Practice Keep studying multiplication facts at home! Please have your child complete RUNNERS on ALL reading homework!