Male vs Female
Comparisons Males Females Geared toward perception and coordinated action Increased neural communication within hemispheres from frontal to rear portions of the organ. Seem to be wired more for socialization and memory while men appear. Increased connection between neurons in the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Source: University of Pennsylvania researchers announced the results, generated by scanning the brains of about 1,000 people
What does it mean? In female brains, facilitates emotional processing and the ability to infer others’ intentions in social interactions. In males, however, the cortex was more connected to rear brain regions, such as the cerebellum, which suggests greater synergy between perception and action.
Brains Roughly speaking, the back of the brain handles perception and the front of the brain handles action; the left hemisphere of the brain is the seat of logical thinking, while the right side of the brain begets intuitive thinking.
Males Perceive things, and the front part of the brain interprets it and makes you perform an action. So if you had a task like skiing or learning a new sport, if you had stronger front-back connectivity and a very strong cerebellum connectivity, you would be better at it.” The findings lend support to the view that males may excel at motor skills.
Females Generally speaking, women may be better at integrating analysis and intuitive thinking. If there is a puzzle or social event, women may excel in these situations better than men.
Male vs Female Brains Use different parts of the brain to solve the same problems. Male brain 10% larger. Male brain shrinks faster with age. Female brains manage more information than males. Males absorb information faster than females. Females remember all details, males remember the “point”. If a male is lost, he remembers direction and distance. She remembers landmarks. The average female thinks about sex every 2 days. The average male thinks about sex every minute. Males are better at exact sciences and females are better at social sciences.
Male vs Female Brains Males and females respond differently to harsh/irritating sounds. Females are more talkative. Females use 3x as many words than males daily. To establish confidence with females, 20 sec hug is enough. Males and females have different perception of humor. Males are more competitive and aggressive. Male hearing is weaker. Females are better at organizational skills. Female brains are higher in temperature than males. Males perceive speech with logic, while females use emotions.