Chapter 4- The nation reunited
Objectives Describe the events surrounding Presidents Lincolns death. Analyze plans for the Reconstruction of the United States. Analyze the reactions of both Southerners and Northerners to Reconstruction efforts. Identify problems with Reconstruction governments.
Lesson 1- Reconstruction Define Reconstruction- ________________________________________________________________________________ Lincoln wanted to rebuild the nation without punishing the _______________________. He became _______________ for his 2nd term.
The North was sad because _____________________________________. April 14th, 1865- Who? What? Where? When? The North was sad because _____________________________________. The South was sad because _____________________________________.
The Presidents PLan Vice President ____________________ took over. Confederates were given back their ______________________ if they promised ____________________________________. Thirteenth Amendment-
The North was upset because the South _______________________________________________________________________________. Once the South was back and running they began to pass _____________________ called ________________________. Some of the limitation were:
How black codes affected African Americans
Congress’s Plan The Presidents Reconstruction Plan was ___________________ with a new plan from ______________________. The plan put the South under ___________________________________.
Before a Southern state had their own government they must: 1. 2. The Fourteenth Amendment said _______________________________________________________________________________.
Because of Congress’s new plan ______________________________________. He fired one of his people and the ____________________ voted to _____________________ him. The trial said _________________________.
Even though Jackson was not ________________ be was no longer ______________________. Johnson was the 1st president to be ______________________________.
Reconstruction Governments African Americans began to _____________________________________. Most ______________________ accepted the abolishment of __________________, But… Other were _____________________________.
The _____________ Amendment was ratified in ___________ and said that ______________________________________. Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth
The South After the War Chapter 4 Lesson 2
Objectives Identify challenges facing the South after the war. Analyze Reconstruction efforts to help freed slaves. Describe carpetbaggers and scalawags and their roles in Reconstruction. Analyze segregation and how it affected the lives of African Americans.
The Freedmen’s Bureau Congress set up the ________________________________ even before the war ended. Purpose: ________________________________________________________________________________
The Freedmen’s Bureau did the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Sharecropping Former slaves are back on plantations but the difference is _____________________________________. They were paid with __________________. Pro: ________________________________
Carpetbaggers Scalawags
Reconstruction Ends In order to regain their power as Southerners they began to control ______________________________________. So a _______________________ was created. Before this peoples votes were _____________________________________.
One of the more famous groups who were preventing __________________________ were called the _____________________________. ______________________ began to control their state again and ____________________ began.
Segregation ignored the ______________________________ and made African Americans: -
Settling the Last Frontier Chapter 4 Lesson 3
Objectives Explain the reasons people are settled the West. Analyze the Homestead Act of 1862 and how it affected settlement in the West. Analyze conflicts between Native Americans and settlers.
Miners ____________________ brought more miners to the West. Boom-________________________________ Once all the gold and silver was gone the miners left (________________________).
Ranchers Ranchers came to the West for _______________________. After the Civil War demand for ____________ grew. People in the ____________ wanted beef so ranchers had to ________________________.
How did ranchers get their cattle places at first? Then ranchers used ____________________. Some trails are:
Homesteaders 1862- ____________________________ The Act said: -
Difficulties living on the Great Plains: -
Homesteaders new technology:
Advantages of Fences Disadvantages of Fences Farmers Ranchers
Conflict in the west What happened to the buffalo? Because of fewer buffalo and loss of land _____________________________________. Reservation is a ________________________.
George Custer attacked __________________________________. 2 Chiefs- ________________ and _____________. Outcome: ________________________________ In 1880 ________________________________. In 1924 ________________________________. In 1934 ________________________________.