“Let them eat cake!”- Marie Antoinette French Revolution “Let them eat cake!”- Marie Antoinette
Problems in France Land controlled by 1st and 2nd estates 1st estate- clergy (130,000 people) 2nd estate-the rich and nobility (350,000 people) 3rd estate- peasants and poor (27,000,000)
7 years war and American Revolution After the 7 years war France was broke. Entering the American Revolution caused more debt The King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette also spent money on lavish parties, and luxuries Taxed 3rd estate to pay for debt
General Assembly Meeting held by 3 estates to solve problems 3rd estate locked out Met at a Tennis Court Tennis Court Oath- vows to rebel and change country
Storming of the Bastille Mob of peasants decided to revolt against the King Peasants invade an old French fort (called the Bastille) which houses weapons. Starts revolution
Louis XVI Tried to use force against the third Estate. Lost the trust of his royal troops (many were peasants). Peasant rebellions became part of the Great Fear. Peasants feared foreign countries would invade to prevent other revolutions.
New Declaration Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen- rights for French people :Liberty, Property, security, and resistance to Oppression.
King Concedes Louis XVI remained in Versailles but power is limited under new national convention Austria and Prussia invade to keep Louis XVI in power (want to prevent revolutions in their country) it fails
The first Republic A national convention met and created a new constitution. Abolished monarchy. King Louis XVI beheaded Revolutionaries used the Guillotine to execute Led by Maximilien Robespierre.