Objective Students will be able to form adverbs from a given adjective and use them to describe a past action. Students will be able to describe how they did something.
Using the imperfect
We reviewed how to form the imperfect Nous form Chop off the ons Endings: axis,ais,ait, ions, iez, aient
How so we use it Emotions/ background Progressive actions
Progressive actions What was in the process of happening when (Quand) the action took place Je __________ (imperfect) Quand il ____________ (passé compose) On etudiait Quand Chris a frappe.
Emotions/ background/ descriptions There are verbs that will never be in the past tense Etre Aimer Porter
The last verb you need to know: Faire beau/ faire mauvais These have to do with weather, so they will always be imperfect
Adverbs In english, an adverb is a word that describes an action. In most cases, it ends in « ly. » I run really fast He reads absolutely well.
How do you form them in French? You will see three kinds of adjectives: Ones that end in consonants - « actif » ones that end in vowels (a,e,i,o,u) ones that end in -ant or -ent
The first kind: if the adjective ends in a consonant (anything except a,e,i,o,u), find the feminine form. How do you find the feminine form? Let’s review.
Feminine adjectives: There are regular ones - brun-) brune There are ones that end in -eux , which become « euse » Heureux - heureuse There are ones that end in f, which become ve actif- active There are ones that end in c, which become che blanc -) blanche
Find the feminine forms of these adjectives: actif franc malheureux bleu
Once you have the feminine form, making an adverb is simple Just add an -ment to it franc- franche - franchement actif - active - activement malheureux - malheureuse - malheureusement
If the adjective ends with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u), simply place -ment at the end absolu - absolument vrai - vraiment
if the adjective ends in -ant or -ent change the ending to -amment or -emment constant- constamment courant - couramment différent - différemment évident -évidemment
New!!!! Irregular adjectives Bon - the adverb is bien gentil - the adverb is géntiment mauvais - the adverb is mal
Adverbs of frequency jamais - never parfois - sometimes rarement - rarely souvent - often de temps en temps - from time to time en général - in general quelquefois - sometimes