19.4 Earth’s moon Key concepts: what features are found on the moon’s surface? What are some characteristics of the moon? How did the moon form? Key terms: telescope, maria, craters, meteoroids
Telescope: a device built to observe distant objects by making them appear closer.
Moon’s surface Features on the moon’s surface include maria, craters, and highlands. Maria: dark, flat areas formed by lava flows. Craters: large round pits. Can be big or small. Highlands: mountains Meteoroids: chunks of rock or dust from space. May have caused craters.
Characteristics of the moon The moon is dry and airless. Compared to Earth, it is very small and has large variations in surface temperature. 3,476 km in diameter (smaller than the distance across the US) Temps from -180 degrees C to 130 No liquid water
Origin of the moon No one knooooows Perhaps, 4.5 billion years ago, a small object hit the earth and smacked it away and it became the moon. Maybe.