Mrs. Devera’s Weekly Newsletter Week of: Aug 28- September 1 Wowzers, I can’t believe we are already starting week 2 of 3rd Grade. Last week the students worked together to create their own set of classroom rules, brainstormed about the jobs they thought we would need this year, and learned how to “run” our classroom. The rules they agreed upon together are as follows: Be respectful of others. Never leave the room with out permission. Use inside voices. Follow the directions the first time. Always tell the truth. Be confident and HAVE FUN. Each day at the end of the day one student lead the class in a discussion about how they feel they did on each rule, and at other times in the day. Then they score themselves, write what they did that was great for that day and together as a team decide what they think their goal for tomorrow should be. So far I have been extremely impressed with how well they have been able to work together and do this each day! ***We will start reading and math this week but do to early out time we will not have time to start spelling until next week. Look for spelling homework next week. Important Dates: *Spelling homework will come home starting next week. (I’ll send it home on Friday and please return by the following Friday. Students will have the opportunity to work on it during our study hall period if you would like. Just let them know.) *September 7th Open house Shout outs: This week our “Centennial Experts” (Zakary, Quintin, Isabelle, Laney, Heidi, and Addison) have been teaching us the “ropes” of centennial school. Thank you to these kids for being kind and patient with us as we learn the rules and procedures at this new school! This weeks Spelling words: (no test this week) Using, getting, easiest, swimming, heavier, greatest, pleased, emptied, leaving, worried, strangest, freezing, funniest, angrier, shopped Challenge Words: Included, occurred, supplying, scarier, happiest