Projet 4: Investigation of the vehicle dynamics stability Simon Bauduin, Pierre Duysinx, LTAS-Automotive Engineering Research Group-University of Liège
Use the theoretical model to compute the behavior of the car Calcul du comportement d’un véhicule en virage Use the theoretical model to compute the behavior of the car Characteristic of the car: Wheelbase = 2.4 m I = 1760 kgm2 b = 1.392 m M = 1190 Cαf = 90 000 N/rad Cαr = 120 000 N/rad Various response to calculate Low speed cornering responses: Evolution of steering angle, Lateral acceleration and yaw speed gain, sideslip angle for a turning radius of 150m and a speed going from 0-70 m/s Modelize the car as a linear time invariant model (LTI) Study the stability of the system for the speed going from 0-70 m/s The step response of the dynamic system for a speed going from 0-50m/s The impulse response of the dynamic system for a constant speed of 10,25,50 m/s Modify the characteristic of the car to have a neutral, understeer and oversteer behavior
Low speed cornering responses Use the bicycle model and its hypothesis. For a speed going from 0 and 70 m/s and a turning radius of 150 m Steering angle: Lateral acceleration gain : Yaw speed gain: Sideslip angle :
Modelize the car by a LTI model Use the LTI model to dertermine the stability responses. with -Study the stability of the model by analyzing the roots of the model -The step response of the dynamic system for a speed going from 0-50m/s -The impulse response of the dynamic system for a constant speed of 10,25,50 m/s Compare with the three different behaviors: -Understeer -Neutral -Oversteer