AIM: How did Kublai Khan influence history and the Mongolian Empire? Do Now: Make a T-Chart outlining Genghis Khan’s good and bad characteristics as a leader
Ghengis Khan’s Leadership abilities Pros Cons
Death of Genghis Before his death, Genghis Khan divided his empire among his sons Ögedei, Chagatai, Tolui, and Jochi (Jochi's death several months before Genghis Khan meant that his lands were instead split between his sons, Batu and Orda) into several Khanates designed as sub- territories: their Khans were expected to follow the Great Khan, who was, initially, Ögedei. He chose his son Ögedei as his heir for the position of Great Khan because he thought Ögedei was the most stable.
Ögedei Ögedei ruled as great Khan from 1229 to 1241 CE. After his death a series of Genghis Khan’s grandsons ruled, and died until the year 1251 when Kublai and his brother Ariq Boke engaged in a battle of succession. Guess who won…
Kublai Khan!!!! 1215-1294CE
Kublai Khan!
Kublai hunting!
Hand Canon
Kublai meets Marco Polo
Empress Chabi – his favorite wife
Group Activity Working in small groups, each of you is going to become an expert in some area of Kublai Khan’s life. Your job is going to involve; reading your excerpt answering the corresponding questions on your handout. Creating a small poster that contains the information you have learned. Presenting your findings to the class in the form of a 2-3 minute presentation.
Roles in Groups Captain Time Keeper Speaker Writer: Will write group’s work on the board. Researcher
AIM: How did Kublai Khan influence history and the Mongolian Empire? Do Now: Group 3,4,5 writers write your group’s work on the board HW: Read 323-326, Answer 2,3,4,5
Summarization: In your opinion, was Kublai Khan a successful leader Summarization: In your opinion, was Kublai Khan a successful leader? Why or why not?
Pax Mongolia Lasted about 100 years
Silk Road Mongols controlled the entire trade route and kept it safer than it had ever been. Marco Polo able to travel along it from Europe to China Increased diffusion of Arab, Chinese and Indian advances. "a maiden bearing a nugget of gold on her head could wander safely throughout the realm."
Silk Road under Mongol rule
Yam First communication system to connect the Far East to the Far West. Checkpoints every 25 miles along the Silk Road.
Causes for Decline Incompetent and rivaling leaders Corruption Revolts Decadence factional struggles Assassinations Religious intolerance external attacks Disease Bubonic Plague
Decline results Trade between the east and west diminished. In China, descendants of Kublai Khan claimed the Mongols weakened their power by becoming "too Chinese"