Animals get their protein by eating Visit For 100’s of free powerpoints N2 Lightning and the addition of fertlisers also adds nitrates to soil NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating A copy of this slide without the notes is also in this folder and can be labelled by the students Which can be taken back up by plants and made into proteins Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants Death and decay Denitrifying bacteria use nitrates and release nitrogen into the air NO3- Bacteria break down the protein into nitrates
80 % of the atmosphere is made up of nitrogen gas N2 Introduces where most nitrogen is on the planet
Why is Nitrogen important? All living things need nitrogen Most living things cannot use nitrogen in the form of a gas. Plants and animals use nitrogen to build proteins
and very few organisms can nitrogen gas is very unreactive and very few organisms can extract it from the air
Nitrogen is essential for all organisms as it is needed to make proteins Nitrogen is needed to make proteins
Some terms you need to know first: N2 Nitrogen Gas (found in atm) NH3 Ammonia (from decay) NO3- Nitrate(found in soil)
How does the Nitrogen get into the soil? Nitrogen fixing bacteria Lightning Fertilizer Decay and waste
But where does the nitrate come from?
But where does the nitrate come from? The role of nitrogen fixing bacteria is introduced
But where does the nitrate come from? Certain bacteria are able to take atmospheric nitrogen and “fix” it into nitrate ions
N2 NO3-
N2 NO3- These nitrogen fixing bacteria are either free living in the soil...
Or live in special nodules in the roots of plants These nitrogen fixing bacteria are either free living in the soil...
How does N2 become NO3- Nitrogen fixing bacteria take N2 and change it to NO3-
After death...
And of course the production of waste compounds containing nitrogen
Bacteria break down these proteins and waste products to release ammonia NH3
Bacteria break down these proteins and waste products to release ammonia NH3
protein Bacteria break down these proteins and waste products to release ammonia NH3
protein Bacteria break down these proteins and waste products to release ammonia NH3
protein Bacteria break down these proteins and waste products to release ammonia NH3
NH3 protein Bacteria break down these proteins and waste products to release ammonia NH3
NH3 The ammonia is further broken down by Nitrifying bacteria to release nitrates
NH3 NO3- The ammonia is further broken down by Nitrifying bacteria to release nitrates
Decomposition puts nitrogen into the soil Decay breaks down proteins to NH3 (ammonia) Bacteria breaks down ammonia to nitrates (NO3-) Nitrates can be used by the plants or changed to N2.
Some of the nitrates in the soil end up back as nitrogen in the atmosphere...
Denitrifying bacteria (more common in waterlogged soil) can release nitrogen into the atmosphere Nitrates
N2 Denitrifying bacteria use nitrates and release nitrogen into the air Nitrates
How does nitrogen return to the atmosphere? Denitrifying bacteria use nitrates (NO3-) and release nitrogen (N2)into the air
Putting it all together into a cycle...
N2 Nitrates Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants
N2 Nitrates Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants
N2 NO3- Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants
N2 NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants
N2 NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants
N2 NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants
Animals get their protein by eating NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants
Animals get their protein by eating NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants
Animals get their protein by eating NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants Death and decay
Animals get their protein by eating NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants Death and decay
Animals get their protein by eating NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants Death and decay
Animals get their protein by eating NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants Death and decay NO3- Bacteria break down the protein into nitrates
Animals get their protein by eating NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants Death and decay NO3- Bacteria break down the protein into nitrates
Animals get their protein by eating NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating Which can be taken back up by plants and made into proteins Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants Death and decay NO3- Bacteria break down the protein into nitrates
Animals get their protein by eating NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating Which can be taken back up by plants and made into proteins Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants Death and decay NO3- Bacteria break down the protein into nitrates
Animals get their protein by eating NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating Which can be taken back up by plants and made into proteins Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants Death and decay NO3- Bacteria break down the protein into nitrates
Animals get their protein by eating Lightning and the addition of fertilisers also adds nitrates to soil NO3- Nitrates are made into proteins in plants Animals get their protein by eating A copy of this slide without the notes is also in this folder and can be labelled by the students Which can be taken back up by plants and made into proteins Nitrogen fixing bacteria in soil and nodules of plants Death and decay Denitrifying bacteria use nitrates and release nitrogen into the air NO3- Bacteria break down the protein into nitrates
Stages in N cycle Nitrogen fixation (bacteria, lightning) Use of Nitrates by plants Animals eat plants Decomposition, release ammonia Nitrification (back to plants) Denitrification by bacteria (back to atm)