Definitions due: Fri. 10/28 Quiz Thur. 11/3 Word Study #4 WORD PART OF THE WEEK tele- Definitions due: Fri. 10/28 Quiz Thur. 11/3
1. telegraph (noun) suffix: -graph
2. telepathy (noun) suffix: -path (pathia) suffix: -y
3. telegenic (adjective) suffix: -gen (genus) suffix: -ic
4. telemetry (noun) suffix: -metr (mètre or meter) suffix: -y
5. telephone (noun) suffix: -phone
Word Study #4 tele- telegraph (tel·e·graph) NOUN suffix = -graph telepathy (te·lep·a·thy) NOUN suffix = -path (pathia) suffix = -y telegenic (tel·e·gen·ic) ADJECTIVE suffix = -gen (genus) suffix = -ic telemetry (te·lem·e·try) NOUN suffix = -metr (mètre or meter) suffix = -y telephone (tel·e·phone) NOUN suffix = -phone