A Christmas Carol Act Two, Scenes 6 and 7
Starter - Tiny Tim Here’s a challenge: Try to describe Tiny Tim’s life in exactly 50 words!
Fate How do you suppose Scrooge feels, after realising he is a dead man? What can he do to change his life?
Stave Five Follow along as the teacher reads Stave Five. While listening, write down all the things that Scrooge does to redeem himself of his past mistakes.
A New Man In past lessons, we’ve compiled lists of adjectives to describe Scrooge. Let’s compile a new list of words, describing the new Scrooge: Create a new acrostic poem about Scrooge, using some of these adjectives.
Plotting the Changes In Scrooge How has Scrooge changed?? Finish filling in the worksheet entitled, ‘Plotting Changes in Scrooge’.
Finish watching the film version of the novel now
Questions to consider FILM NOVEL How does the ending of the film compare to the ending of the play?