Judges Overview While Joshua closed his career by putting all his faith and trust in God, the children of Israel once again decided they didn't need God. The book of Judges is a sequel to the book of Joshua, taking the reader from Joshua's death to the birth of Samuel. If you add together the years each judge served, it totals about 150– 410 years; presuming there are periods of overlapping judges, the lower number seems more realistic. What is the Key Message of the Book of Judges?(write it below) _____________________________________________
Video Questions Video 1: What was the name of the Judge? Why does the person use the video 300 for the person? Video 2: What is the name of the Judge from this part of Judges? Why did Barak ask this person to go with him into Battle? What prophecy did she make and how did it come true? Video 3: What is the name of the Judge? What special gift did God give him and what led to his downfall?
Activity Who were Deborah, Samson and Gideon? Class divides into three Groups: What challenges did this Judge Face? How did they overcome them? What do you think is the key characteristic for this person? (E.g. Wisdom, Strength, Courage, Integrity, faithfulness) What can we learn from the lives of these people? How did their faith change their lives and the lives of those around them?