Sound Week 2 Can begin by asking what do students think sound is?
Sound Sound: Energy that travels as a vibration Everything we hear is a vibration picked up by our ears
Elaborate on the purpose of a loudspeaker (displace air and push sound)
Echoes Echo: Sound Waves that reflect Sound waves can bounce off of surfaces Ask for places where echoes are common/uncommon; elaborate on why
Vacuum A space without matter That’s why there’s no sound in space Sound is impossible That’s why there’s no sound in space Talk about how films get it wrong
Wavelengths These things define sounds Frequency: The number of waves in a given time Amplitude: height of a wave Wavelength: distance between crests Talk about how amplitude defines volume; Frequency and wavelength define pitch Elaborate how all sounds, no matter how different, can be graphed like this
Wavelengths Reiterate the effects of each on pitch and volume