The Haunted Castle By: Mara and Camille 10/27/2015
Kath and Sammy receive a call it says:᾽᾽Come in the forest to the darkest castle because I think it is haunted’’. Sammy drives to the old haunted castle but Kath goes by helicopter. Let’s go! Hello!
Sammy opens the door because Kath has a big fear Sammy opens the door because Kath has a big fear.When the door opens Kath sees an old skeleton family and some bones.She is so scared.She screams and wakes-up zombies.The door closes and some objects float in the air. Haaaaa!!! Don’t scream!!
In the castle, Kath runs up the stairs. Sammy goes in elevator In the castle, Kath runs up the stairs. Sammy goes in elevator. In the elevator, a devil ghost scares him. Get me off!
In the sky, there is a black moon In the sky, there is a black moon. Outside, a creepy witch turns around the castle.
Up the stairs, Frankenstein eats a white mouse Up the stairs, Frankenstein eats a white mouse.A wizard puts snakes and bones in a cauldron to do a potion. A vampire drinks this green potion. One minute later, the vampire transforms himself into a bat. This black bat disappears. Help!!!!
LET’S GET OUT OF THIS CASTLE! Kath waits for Sammy in front of the elevator. When Sammy is with Kath, he walks faster and Kath runs to the ancient door. LET’S GET OUT OF THIS CASTLE! Yes!Good idea!
Outside, Sammy sees a goblin who opens a grave Outside, Sammy sees a goblin who opens a grave. A car stops in front of the cemetery and Kath and Sammy enter in the car. Their workmates tell them that it is a joke. Kath and Sammy are going to be more careful now. Finally!We are safe! There is a car!