Slavery & Civil War 10.22.15
Entry Task States
Abolitionists Answer these questions in your notebook: What was an abolitionist? What was the abolitionist movement? Who was a part of the abolitionist movement? When did the movement start? When did it have the most support? Where were abolitionists from? Where did they try to make change? Why did the abolitionists get involved?
Homework: Abolitionist Leaders Gather notes on your abolitionist & come prepared to share tomorrow. Name Hometown Early life Why was he/she an abolitionist? What did he/she do to end slavery? Was he/she successful?
Abolitionist Leaders Jigsaw Frederick Douglass John Brown Harriet Tubman Harriet Beecher Stowe Share information & take notes
Slavery & Civil War 10.23.15
Entry Task States
Abolitionist Leaders Jigsaw Frederick Douglass John Brown Harriet Tubman Harriet Beecher Stowe Share information & take notes