ENG 1D1 Wednesday May 20th, 2015
Meme of the Day
Today’s Agenda Hand in Late Journals Discuss Act 2 Important Quotations Character Tweets ISU work time
Late Journals Please hand in your late ISU journals NOW! Failure to do so will result in an email home.
Important Quotations “O time, thou must untangle this, not I. It is too hard a knot for me to untie!” (2.2 40-1)
Important Quotations “In my stars I am above thee, but be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em” (2.5 148-150). Maria is appealing to Malvolio’s desire for power, which shows his greedy character. This also contributes to plot as it boosts Malvolio’s confidence and propels him to follow the later instructions in the letter. He will wear his yellow stockings and smile ridiculously.
Which quotations do you think are important and why? Important Quotations Which quotations do you think are important and why?
Character Tweets Get into your assigned groups Each of you will be assigned a character and create 5-10 tweets from their perspective
Azzopardi Groups Character Group Members Duke Orsino Viola/Cesario Sebastian Sea Captain & Antonio Lady Olivia Maria Malvolio Sir Toby Belch Sir Andrew Aguecheek Feste the Fool
Casselman Groups - Period 4 Character Group Members Duke Orsino Lina, Chris, & Mudaser Viola/Cesario Blake, Harman, & Spencer Sebastian Nick, Dhruv, & Hassaan Sea Captain & Antonio Maddie, Niko, & Tiana Lady Olivia Kevin, Maha, & Hibah Maria Emma, Ramona, & Prakritie Malvolio Naveen, Anuja, & Duaa Sir Toby Belch Keagan, Abdullah, & Neha Sir Andrew Aguecheek Ethan, Shane & Sam Feste the Fool Lisa, Jordan, & Winnie
**Make sure everything is school appropriate** Tweeting Directions **Make sure everything is school appropriate** Create a twitter name that suits your character Ex: @TeacherTweets Quickly brainstorm 5-10 events or character development moments that are significant to your character in Acts 1 & 2 Create a 140 character (Max!) tweet for each event or character development Include #hashtags You can also include other characters by using their twitter names your peers have created
Read Your Tweets! Each group will take turn sharing their favourite 3 tweets for their character
Read your ISU Novel
Homework Read the ⅘ of your ISU novel Your next ISU Journal is due Monday May 25th