Political Features Capital: Beijing Population: 1,306,313,800 Land Area: 3,705,405 sq. miles
Physical Features Gobi Desert Himalaya Mts. Mt. Everest
Government Type Communism: Form of government where all people share.
Interesting Facts China is given credit for discovering gun powder and fireworks
The Great Wall of China – Was built to protect China from invading enemies from the north. The wall is 4,163 miles long and 15-30 feet high.
China is responsible for growing 90% of the worlds rice. In Southeast Asia an average citizen will consume 200 to 400 pounds per year. U.S. consumes 17 pounds.
China is home to several colorful festivals. Festival of Lanterns February 17, 2011 China is home to several colorful festivals. February 3, 2011 is the first day of the Chinese new year.