Vocabulary Lesson 10
Lesson 10 Vocabulary Words encroach vignette calibrate extricate hemorrhage egocentrism constrict
Encroach (verb) Defintion: to slowly invade or intrude Sentence: She encroached on my space and made me feel uncomfortable. noun verb adjective adverb encroachment, encroacher encroach --
Vignette (noun) Definition: a brief or short lasting scene or event Sentence: We performed vignettes from holiday plays for our acting class. noun verb adjective adverb vignette --
Calibrate (verb) Definition: to check progress by comparing to a standard Sentence: I calibrated the scale before weighing the chemicals for our lab. noun verb adjective adverb calibration, calibrator calibrate --
Extricate (verb) Definition: to release or disentangle from Sentence: It was difficult for me to extricate myself from the conversation, but I had to go. noun verb adjective adverb extrication extricate --
Hemorrhage (verb) Definition: to bleed heavily Sentence: After running over his foot with the lawnmower, the boy hemorrhaged a lot of blood. noun verb adjective adverb hemorrhage --
Egocentrism (noun) Definition: believing in one’s self as very important Sentence: The girl only talked about herself, so her date was disgusted by her egocentrism. noun verb adjective adverb egocentrism -- egocentric egocentrically
Constrict (verb) Definition: to stop or slow growth Sentence: The tiny flower pot constricted the growth of my jade plant, so it stayed tiny. noun verb adjective adverb constriction constrict constrictive constrictively