Exploring the Unconscious Realm of Surrealism
Sigmund Freud The Surrealists were deeply influenced by the recent psychoanalytic work of Sigmund Freud and Karl Jung
What is Surrealism? Surrealism is destructive, but it destroys only what it considers to be shackles limiting our vision. -Salvador Dali
Two forms of Surrealism: Biomorphic (interested in life forms): Joan Miro Naturalistic (recognizable scenes of nightmare or dream images): Rene Magritte, Salvador Dali
When? After the Surrealist Manifesto of 1924, the style of Surrealism is born.
Salvador Dali Galatea of the Spheres 1952
De Chirico, Andromache
De Chirico, The Archaeologists
Automatism in Art the avoidance of conscious intention in producing works of art, especially by using mechanical techniques or subconscious associations he performance of actions without conscious thought or intention
Surrealism in Film Surrealist Film makers Surrealist Films
Surreal Assignment: Dreamscape Must have: *one man-made structure in correct linear perspective * a foreground, middle ground, and background * evidence of atmospheric perspective *biomorphs or surreal situation *shadows, values, textures…