S Q U How does the writer use structure….? /8 Q3 – AO2 R Recycle words from the question including the *terminology you will explore. Use a quotation to support your statement. Unpick (explain) the effect of the terminology Re-quote a key word to explore in detail. Recycle again for focus. Link to the text The writer begins by using ...[terminology e.g. narrow focus] (Writer’s name) includes... (Writer’s name) then uses/ includes... for example '...' such as '...' : "..." - The use of the (terminology "...." suggests... - The (terminology) "..." creates the impression that... - The (terminology) "..." implies that... - By using the (terminology)"..." the writer emphasises/ suggests/ implies... How does the writer use structure….? /8 Q3 – AO2 *Terminology – structure feature/device: shift, spotlight, narrow focus, repeat, etc. R T EX KW L
How does the writer structure the text to engage the reader? /8 Example: The writer engages the reader in the extract by using a spotlight on the chase. Doyle uses actions “ran through the gloom” which develops to “panting up hills” and then “rushing down slopes.” The actions engage the reader in Holmes and Watson’s chase of the crying and moaning on the moor because the reader knows they are unsure of what they will find which is thrilling and engaging. The use of “rushing” suggests to the reader there is an urgency for the characters to find the missing man therefore creating an engaging moment in whether they will find the man or the beast first. Also, the fact the reader is unsure what the beast actually is, creates engagement as it adds to the suspense. Recycle from the question Terminology Q “……..” Share a relevant quotation EX Include EXPLAINS KW “…” unpick a key word Recycle in the unpick Link to the text so the analysis is clearly about the extract.