Standards: Write narrative techniques; Use precise words and phrases Monday, October 27th, 2014 Standards: Write narrative techniques; Use precise words and phrases Activator: Vocab! Target: Scholars will review the Oedipus villanelles from last week and begin to compose their own villanelle. If time allows, students will look at Dylan Thomas's "Do not go gentle into that good night" as an example Work: Villanelles! Closing: Riddle!
Vocab! Lets look at your new words!!
Work Welcome back to Monday, everyone! Today we're going to start off by looking at Villanelles. See, a villanelle contains two refrains. Each refrain is repeated throughout the poem, over and over again. The real trick to writing a good villanelle is making it make sense. Here is a worksheet we will look at!
Villanelles What better way to learn how to make a logical villanelle than to write one yourself? I'm going to pass out a worksheet for you to start writing your very own villanelle. After you finish it and I check you off, I'll pass out some white paper so you can make a pretty poster version to hang up in our classroom! Enjoy! These are due today at the end of class!
Closing What is greater than God, more evil than the devil, the poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it, you'll die?
Answer Nothing