Friday, March 6th American Literature Standard 2 & 3 American Modernism and Harlem Renaissance Test Begin reading chapter 3 while everyone is finishing the test. ACT Prep Stream of Consciousness Writing Read to the End of Chapter 7 by next class. Unit 3 Vocab Notes
Stream of consciousness Have you ever noticed that one memory leads to another, which leads to another? This is called memory association, and it is what Holden does throughout most of the novel. Sometimes, two ideas that have nothing to do with each other can be connected.
For example: Peanuts make me think of my dad because he always calls me peanut. What do you think of when I say birthday? What about tree?
I will give you a prompt and a time limit to write. During that time you will write what memories you associate with that topic. Peanuts make me think of my dad which makes me think of laughing which makes me think of my friends… Keep going with a pattern like this until I say stop. (3 minutes) Your topic is Christmas.
Don’t worry about punctuation this one time. Now, let’s do it again, but let’s cut out the “Which makes me think of” and just record your thoughts. Peanuts my dad laughing friends… Don’t worry about punctuation this one time. The topic this time is school (3 min).