Wednesday, September 9th 10th Literature Standard 2 & 3 If you have not done so already, turn in your analysis questions for “The Monkey’s Paw.” I noticed a lot of similarities in your answers while grading what has already been turned in. You need to turn in original work or both student’s with similar answers will be written up for cheating and a phone call home will be made. Finish watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and complete viewing guide. Turn in when finished. Read and complete the worksheet on prepositions. Turn it in next class. Read the play. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” and answer the “Close Reading” questions. You must write in complete sentences and use the RAD strategy: Restate the question(s), Answer the question(s) completely, and use Details from the story to support your answer(s). This is due next class. *Use your class time wisely. If I hear that this class, once again, gave the sub any problems, you can be sure that even more work is in your future.