Ron Weaver NSIDC DAAC Manager PODAG.18 April 25-26, 2001 Ron Weaver NSIDC DAAC Manager
Topics DAAC Alliance NewDISS ECS Follow on Contract Budget Report 5/15/2019
DAAC Alliance
DAAC Alliance Effort by the DAACS to: Elected Officers: coordinate work on common issues and problems establish some self-governance and thus independence from ESDIS/NASA prepare ourselves for the next era of NASA data management, which appears headed for a more distributed, competitive environment Elected Officers: Don Collins (JPL) chair 2/01 to 3/02 Ron Weaver (NSIDC), vice-chair 2/01 to 3/02, then chair 3/02 to 3/03 Written a draft strategic management plan Written a draft charter, now trying to obtain institutional support 5/15/2019
DAAC Alliance: Tasks The Alliance will attempt collaborative development of position statements, working partnerships etc. to advance the following: New DISS Formulation Contribute to Formulation Team work by working on establishment of standards (data, metadata, protocols, interfaces, user services). Data Stewardship Write data center responsibilities. Data Distribution Collaborate on improved distribution methods. Billing and Accounting 5/15/2019
New Data Information Systems and Services New DISS New Data Information Systems and Services … A 6 to 10 year approach to Data Systems and Services for NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise
New DISS GSFC New Program Formulation Team Authorized Dr. Steve Wharton Vanessa Griffin Ken McDonald Gail McConaughy Matt Schwaller Team meets weekly at GSFC Expect to have draft plan ready by October 2001 (means much of the work will be done this summer) 5/15/2019
ECS Follow-on Contract ESDIS Maintenance and Development Contract (EMD)
EMD EMD is to be a contract that continues support of the ECS contract, which ends October 31, 2002. It will: assure uninterrupted processing, archiving, access and distribution of EOS data maximize science return while minimizing costs foster a distributed, heterogeneous network of data management capabilities for ESE, leveraging off of current systems with graceful evolution 5/15/2019
EMD: Scope Responsibility for the SDMS maintenance and development hardware and software corrective, adaptive and perfective maintenance and development ongoing systems engineering functions in support of new requirements and improvements to deployed system support science community interface to the SDMS support SDMS operations community maintain and develop external non-SDMS components 5/15/2019
EMD: considerations Task based contract What is the scope of the contract? Maintenance +? Development +? Operations Governance Desire to include DAACs in the process … but how? (past history is not supportive) Priority board 5/15/2019
ECS background The ECS: 12.1 million source lines of code about 50 COTS packages ingest and distribute about 2 TB of data per day archive 9 pedabytes 1300 science data types about 30K mflops of science processing ECS at four sites, deployed on 12 to 25 core enterprise class unix servers per DAAC 35 external interfaces 5 million items (tunable parameters, data types etc. under configuration control 5/15/2019
NSIDC DAAC Budget Appears to be adequate through FY01 Budget Actions since last PoDAG Augmentation for Security Coordinator Augmentation for increased operational hours Data Systems Engineering (DSE) projects partly funded Polar Spatial Query ECS External subset server 5/15/2019
NRC Data Review, (yes another one) Congressional enabling language in FYOO requested a study of availability and usefulness of data from NASA’s earth and space enterprises. Space Studies Board conducting study So far, we have responded to a questionnaire from the NRC. We do not expect much additional contact. 5/15/2019
Staffing Changes Operations Supervisor User Services Office Ann Bessenbacher leaving 4 May User Services Office Diana Starr leaving in early June Tracy Thrasher - Hybl leaving in June Clerical Support Carol Pedigo leaving end of June 5/15/2019
EOS Instrument Status TERRA MODIS AQUA - December 2001? Snow and Ice Data released Ingest rates are stable, but have concerns when reprocessing starts AQUA - December 2001? AMSR MODIS ICESat December 2001 or February 2002? GLAS ADEOS II Later in 2002 5/15/2019
LTA of EOS Data LTA will be under NOAA auspices if and when NOAA acquires funds Implementation plan is being written Options: NCDC, NGDC get the data (ours goes to NGDC) Archive in Place Two others that probably will not be implemented Level of Service determined by NOAA, most likely charges for data will be implemented 5/15/2019
EOS Science Linkages Following chart was provided by Vanessa Griffin. It depicts her understanding of science linkages within the EOS (It was to have been updated, but has not) 5/15/2019
EOS Science Organization Line Control Program Control Science Guidance NASA Administrator Mr.. Daniel Goldin August 9, 2000 Code Y Goddard Space Flight Center Mr.. A. Diaz Earth Science Enterprise Dr. Ghassem Asrar Code YS Code YO Code 400 Code 900 Science Division Dr. Jack Kaye Applications, Commercialization, and Education Division Mr.. Mike Thomas Flight Projects Directorate Mr. Bill Campbell Earth Science Directorate Dr. Vince Salomonson Code 420 Associate Director of Flight Projects for EOS Mr. Chris Scolese EOS Project Scientist Dr. Michael King EOSDIS Dr. Carl Reber DISS Program Scientist Ms. Martha Maiden Terra Program Scientist Dr. Dianne Wickland Aqua Program Scientist Dr. Ramesh Kakar Dr. Joe McNeal Code 423 ESDIS Project Manager Ms. Dorothy Perkins Terra Dr. Yoram Kaufman Aqua Dr. Claire Parkinson Science Operations Manager Ms. Vanessa Griffin Aura Dr. P. K. Bartia DAACs