Bell Ringer: Tuesday, April 17th Put your homework on your desk. Copy down the vocab for today… Denunciation (n): An act of condemning or accusing another, accusation Sentence: The characters in The Crucible threw many denunciations at one another. Then answer… In this unit, we have read many stories and articles: “The Yellow Wallpaper”, “The Story of an Hour”, “Femininity”, “Being a Man”, and “Putting Down the Gun” Which story/article have you found most interesting/thought provoking? Which story/article presented a view on gender roles that you identify with THE MOST?
LAST REMINDER Remember, we had 2 assignments before break…one due Wednesday, and one due Thursday If you were not here for one of those days, you have a 0 in the gradebook now If you would like to get credit for these assignments, you must turn them in today Please see me after class
Bell Ringer: Tuesday, April 17th Copy down the vocab for today… Denunciation (n): An act of condemning or accusing another, accusation Sentence: The characters in The Crucible threw many denunciations at one another over witchcraft. Then answer… In this unit, we have read many stories and articles: “The Yellow Wallpaper”, “The Story of an Hour”, “Femininity”, “Being a Man”, and “Putting Down the Gun” Which story/article have you found most interesting/thought provoking? Which story/article presented a view on gender roles that you identify with THE MOST?
“I Stand Here Ironing” What did you think of the story? In what ways has the mother in the story been affected by gender roles? In what ways has Emily been affected by gender roles? What else was interesting to you? What can you make of the last line of the story? “She is more than this dress on the ironing board, helpless before the iron.”