WGP-AS UNDP/RBAS Water Governance Programme for Arab States (WGP-AS) NATIONAL CAPACITY NEEDS FOR THE EFFECTIVE JOINT MANAGEMENT OF SHARED WATER RESOURCES IN ARAB STATES June 7-9, 2010 In Partnership with: National Capacity Needs for Considering Environmental Flows in Management of Shared Water Resources Sameh Afifi, Ph.D., Professor
WGP-AS Contents Common Transboundary Environmental Problems Common Transboundary Environmental Problems Analysis of Environmental Impacts Analysis of Environmental Impacts National SAP for Environment National SAP for Environment Recommendations for required national capacities to handle environmental flows in mgmt of shared water resources Recommendations for required national capacities to handle environmental flows in mgmt of shared water resources
WGP-AS Fact Water scarcity in the Arab region, coupled with the level and pace of socio-economic advancement in several countries has important implications for the efficacy with which legislature and institutional regimes are developed and applied for the promotion of environmental joint management of shared water resources. Water scarcity in the Arab region, coupled with the level and pace of socio-economic advancement in several countries has important implications for the efficacy with which legislature and institutional regimes are developed and applied for the promotion of environmental joint management of shared water resources.
WGP-AS Consequences The imperatives of rapid social and economic development could influence the political will to initiate, implement and enforce appropriate environmental policies and laws especially in upstream countries. The imperatives of rapid social and economic development could influence the political will to initiate, implement and enforce appropriate environmental policies and laws especially in upstream countries. These development imperatives often circumscribe the limits of resources available for environmental protection. These development imperatives often circumscribe the limits of resources available for environmental protection. Water management agencies would implement &operate projects under severe and reduced shared water resources. Water management agencies would implement &operate projects under severe and reduced shared water resources.
WGP-AS Consequence (continued) The relatively low level of public awareness, particularly environmental awareness as well as lack of awareness on water human rights provide little to trigger a sense of urgency and resolve for political and legislative action for environmental sustainable development of shared water resources The relatively low level of public awareness, particularly environmental awareness as well as lack of awareness on water human rights provide little to trigger a sense of urgency and resolve for political and legislative action for environmental sustainable development of shared water resources
WGP-AS COMMON TRANSBOUNDARY PROBLEMS Major Concern II: Pollution 1. Pollution from discharges 2. Microbiological pollution 3. Nutrient over enrichment/eutrophication 4. Hydrocarbon pollution 5. Heavy metal pollution 6. Radioactive pollution 7. Suspended solids/accelerated sedimentation 8. Excessive salinity 9. Thermal pollution Major Concern III: Habitat and community modification 13. Loss of ecosystems or ecotones 14. Modification of ecosystems or ecotones 15. Invasive Species Major Concern V: Fluctuating Climate 16. Freshwater flow fluctuations such as drought and floods 17. Sea level change (including saltwater intrusion) Major Concern IV: Exploitation of fisheries & other living resources 19. Over-exploitation 20. Excessive bycatch and discards 21. Destructive fishing practices 22. Decreased viability of stocks through contamination and disease 23. Impact on biological and genetic diversity Major Concern I. Freshwater Flow Modifications 10. Excessive withdrawals of surface and/or groundwater for human uses 11. Changes in freshwater availability 12. Changes in flow regimes from structures
WGP-AS Analyzing Environmental Impacts when managing SWRs Describe the problem (using available data showing changes over time, etc.) Describe the problem (using available data showing changes over time, etc.) Examine the impact of the environmental problem on the water supply/allocation Examine the impact of the environmental problem on the water supply/allocation Examine social and economic consequences of the problem Examine social and economic consequences of the problem
WGP-AS National Capacity Building: Establishing National Institution that can address STRATEGIC ACTION PROGRAMME (SAP) For Environment A SAP is a negotiated policy document A SAP is a negotiated policy document It establishes clear priorities for action to resolve the priority transboundary waters environmental problems It establishes clear priorities for action to resolve the priority transboundary waters environmental problems It identifies policy, legal and institutional reforms and investments needed to address the priority transboundary waters environmental problems It identifies policy, legal and institutional reforms and investments needed to address the priority transboundary waters environmental problems The preparation of a SAP is a cooperative process among key stakeholders in the countries of the region. The preparation of a SAP is a cooperative process among key stakeholders in the countries of the region.
WGP-AS Overall Strategic Environmental Concerns in Shared Water Resources Management Understand the environmental concerns of countries international waters and to work collaboratively Understand the environmental concerns of countries international waters and to work collaboratively Build the national capacity of existing institutions for addressing transboundary water-related environmental concerns Build the national capacity of existing institutions for addressing transboundary water-related environmental concerns Implement measures that address the priority transboundary environmental concerns Implement measures that address the priority transboundary environmental concerns Play a catalytic role to leverage co-financing for sustainably managing international waters Play a catalytic role to leverage co-financing for sustainably managing international waters
WGP-AS RECOMMENDATIONS Handling Environmental Flows in Mgmt of Shared Water Resources - DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN MYTHS AND REALITY - ACCOMMODATE ENVIRONMENTAL EXTRANALITIES COSTS INTO MANAGEMENT OF SWRs - ASSOCIATE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS WITH WATER USAGE/ALLOCATION - ESTA BLISH THE INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK Institutional arrangements at the national level Institutional arrangements at the national level Institutional arrangements at the transboundary level Institutional arrangements at the transboundary level Institutional arrangements related to quality systems Institutional arrangements related to quality systems Frameworks for exchanging and accessing information Frameworks for exchanging and accessing information
WGP-AS RECOMMENDATIONS Handling Environmental Flows in Mgmt of Shared Water Resources - SECURE funding FOR MONITORING & ASSESSMENT - DEVELOPING Step-by-step approach Character of step-by-step approach Character of step-by-step approach Prioritizing monitoring efforts Prioritizing monitoring efforts Use of models in monitoring and assessment Use of models in monitoring and assessment Using pilot projects Using pilot projects - NEED TO EXPAND ROLE OF national institutions handling EIAs IN PROJECTS RELATED TO SWRs and not just leave it to the donors agencies Some of these recommendations are listed in NECE documentation
WGP-AS RECOMMENDATIONS Handling Environmental Flows in Mgmt of Shared Water Resources (continued) - IMPLEMENTING MONITORING PROGRAMMES Monitoring and assessment cycle Monitoring and assessment cycle Information needs Information needs Information strategy Information strategy Monitoring/data collection Monitoring/data collection - MANAGING DATA AND MA KING ASSESSMENTS Data management Data management Assessment methodology Assessment methodology - Reporting and USING information Reporting Reporting Information use Information use
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