Final Project José Méndez FHS 1500
Where I come from I came from a poor family. During my childhood I moved a lot so I didn’t got to form strong friendship bonds. Mostly raised by mother. Father spent a lot of time living in the U.S. with relatives to send us money because we couldn’t afford to live in the U.S. together. Pretty dangerous childhood. Looked down upon by relatives.
Where I am now I am attending college I am going for an education degree. I am assisting parents financially. I am helping a younger generation with academics and also with their struggles of moving to a different country.
Where I want to go in life I want to become an educator. I want to teach students not only academic lessons, but also lessons in life. I want to always give my best shot at everything that I do. I want to get married eventually and have children but if that never happens I won’t let that hold me down.
My Culture My culture is family centered. My culture is very open. My culture is rather on the cheap side (financial wise.) My culture is very dependable. My culture is honest. My culture is proud.
My Community My community is fun loving. My community is very lax. My community is conservative. My community is religious. My community is looking any excuse to throw a party and to open a can of beer. My community is very passionate.