A asks B the following questions: Do you like school? Do you meet your friends during break? Is homework set every day? Do you eat school dinners? What do you like about school? What do you do during break-time? How much homework do you receive? What do you think of school dinners? Now, as a pair, answer this question: Which questions generated the best answers? Closed questions often prompt the short response "Yes" or "No". Sometimes people expand on them, but they don't have to - and it can make for an awkward and not very insightful interview if you end up with a string of one-word answers. Open questions are used by journalists because they encourage people to give more information. A top tip which will make life a lot easier when it comes to editing your material is to try to get your interviewee to include the question in their answer. Often when journalists put together a report, the interviewer's questions are edited out - to save time and to make the report seem more natural. Imagine the difference between hearing: "They're great, apart from we only have chips on Friday!" and "I think school dinners are great, except that we only have chips on Friday!" This time B, ask A questions 5 to 8. A, you must include the "question in your answer", so that it makes sense to a listener or viewer even without the question. Now, pick a topic to interview each other about. Take it in turns to ask each other as many open questions as you can in a minute. Under pressure, it's not always easy to avoid closed questions!