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Housekeeping and ASCCC Resources ASCCC GP Canvas - ASCCC Guided Pathways RESOURCES Welcome! We’ll be with you shortly The chat will be used for questions and input All attendees will be muted Randy

Student Voices and Guided Pathways Presenters: Randy Beach, ASCCC Guided Pathways Lead, Southwestern College Ty Simpson, San Bernardino Valley College, Guided Pathways Task Force Janet Fulks, ASCCC Guided Pathways Lead, Capacity Building Kelley Karandjeff, Senior Researcher (Consultant), the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (RP Group) Randy

Next Week’s Webinar Developing Practices and Materials for Counseling Guided Pathways BEGINS with the correct connection between the student's goals and reasons for attending college and the types of programs, scheduling and exploration available for students. How do we meet students where they are at and help them understand pathways and support available to help create rigorous goals and realistic plans. Join us as we begin to look at Guided Pathways counseling tools. 4/10/2019 Noon – 1:00 PM Randy

Today’s Topic Student Voices and Guided Pathways If Guided Pathways is going to help your college become student-ready, student voice is essential in the design of Guided Pathways implementation. Hence, the voices of students are key data for improving our services and our outcomes. Join us for a review of the many resources available to help integrate student voice and examples of how they have been instrumental in implementing specific changes. Noon – 1:00 PM April 3, 2019 Randy

Without student voices, exactly who are we redesigning for? Listening to Students How well do we listen? We say we WANT to engage, but what steps do we take? How do we bring students into our design and inquiry process? Without student voices, exactly who are we redesigning for?

Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design Colleges were uncertain about how to involve students practically and effectively Collaborative effort between The Research and Planning Group for CCC, Career Ladders Project, and the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges Intended to emphasize the student voice in inquiry Randy

Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design Can be accessed in multiple locations Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design (full guide) Get Started...Collecting Student Voices (introductory tool) Randy

Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways (online learning module) To access... Log on to the Vision Resource Center at Click on "Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways" on the right side of the landing page Click on "Launch" Randy

Why Engage Students?* Engagement in Guided Pathways work not only benefits our institutions, but also can have a positive impact on students themselves Randy *”Get Started…Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design

Students help us to... * Examine our approaches and understand our processes and systems through the student lens Create a full data “story”—enhancing institutional data with ground-level student insights Foster an urgency for institutional transformation Motivate different college stakeholders to get involved in GP development Strengthen student outcomes (the deeper the engagement, the bigger the impact) Randy *”Get Started…Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design

Student Engagement includes... Systematically collecting student voices and Actively involving students in design, problem-solving, and decision-making Kelley Student Engagement in Guided Pathways Development,

Design Principles for Student Engagement in Guided Pathways Development* Treat as an ongoing, iterative process Ensure equitable student representation Create conditions for full student access Prepare students for the opportunity Intentionally level the playing field in the presence of power dynamics Honor student involvement Kelley Student Engagement in Guided Pathways Development,

Process for Collecting Student Voices* Kelley *”Get Started…Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design

What ways are you including student voice? Please place your responses in the chat Randy

Methods for Collecting Student Voices... Focus Groups Interviews Surveys In-class Activities College-wide Activities Kelley *”Get Started…Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design

Emerging Methods for Involving Students as Decision-Makers Student Action Researchers Embedded Design Team Members Student Advisory Groups Kelley *”Get Started…Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design

Emerging Methods for Involving Students as Decision-Makers Santa Monica Activities to engage in mapping/inquiry Kelley *”Get Started…Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design

Engagement in Action Guided Pathways Ambassadors Metamajors Mapping Onboarding and orientation Equity Faculty and Student Discipline Inquiry Groups Randy - Ty

Collecting Voices in the Classroom Use easy data collection methods ask students whether their major is correct Invite counselors to the classroom for questions Invite financial aid to the classroom for comments “Take 5”: have students describe their experiences in registration, onboarding Randy - Ty

Things to think about Emphasize for students that their stories are important Classroom activities help generate more diverse student engagement Allow students to tell you what they want engagement to look like Having students do assignments around pathways in classrooms engages faculty as well Randy - Ty

Things to think about Students need to be involved in determining the way they declare their academic/education goal. Students are experts when it comes to identifying what they need and how they experience college. Randy - Ty

Student Engagement in Determining Educational Goals We need to give them as much agency as possible to make choices. Students will do better when they are in control of their education. Ty

OCC Guided Pathways Class Activity Directions: Answer the following questions on the answer sheet provided. ONBOARDING DESIGN TEAM 1. How was your experience signing up for the college, and why did you choose what you are studying? PATHWAYS DESIGN TEAM 2. Does Degree Works work for you or do you encounter problems with it? Can you tell us about your experience making Ed Plan decisions or using the OCC catalog? INTERVENTION DESIGN TEAM 3. Think about your time here at OCC and any problems or road blocks that you have faced that interfered with your ability to be a successful student. What services could have helped you to be a better student or prevented you from failing or dropping a class? Randy - Ty 55 STUDENTS answered these questions with narratives and demographic information. A question from each design team allowed us to get data for all the teams at the same time from the same group of students.

Sample Student Responses…. ONBOARDING • I didn’t have any on-campus help/guidance. • Why is the online website hard for students to answer? Why is canvas separated? Why do we need online orientation? Online did not help me at all. • The schedule planner really helped me line up all my classes so that it fit my schedule. PATHWAYS • Degree Works worked for me and making an ed plan was really easy with the help of a counselor. I did not really use the catalog at home but I did while making my ed plan. • I have never heard of this program. • Degree Works does work, but it is very confusing to navigate around. INTERVENTION • Better counselors to help us and tell us what we need to get there. • I’ve never had a problem with OCC. They’ve helped me more than any other college I’ve been to. The only problem I had was living in my car. It was hard to do online homework and be motivated to go to class.

Comprehensive Demographics What is your major: How many semesters at OCC: Part-time or Full-time student: Part-time work or Full-time work or Not working: Ethnicity: Race: Age Single or Married: Parent or No children: Do you drive, walk, bus, get a ride or pay for transportation: Do you eat on campus, off campus, or bring your own food: What is your career goal: What clubs or teams do you participate in: What OCC services or help have you received: What OCC honors or awards have you received: Financial Aid, BOGG, Paying for college, or Parents paying for college: Non-traditional demographic questions helped us understand student diversity on a much deeper level...think “iceberg”. We were searching for barriers, challenges, and opportunities to serve better.

Career Goals Business Owner Further Education Undecided Engineer Help Tribe Non-Profit Lawyer Social Worker Medical Field NFL Computer Science

New Faculty-Student Partnerships “Parent-Teacher Partnerships” to support student success is a popular approach in K-12, but in community college this is not an appropriate model for adult learners transitioning into higher learning and independence. Faculty-Student Partnerships: faculty and students are working together on program student learning outcomes, developing new courses, mapping and sequencing classes, scheduling, and other aspects of the academic experience at OCC. Students are engaged in curriculum decisions that impact them at basic levels. The Sociology, Gender Studies, and Ethnic Studies departments are working with students to reconfigure their Course Outlines of Record, PSLOs, and sequencing for the ATD. They are also working with student to come up with new names for courses that will better resonate with students and to develop new elective courses that students in many other disciplines can benefit from.

What have you learned by incorporating student voice? Please raise your hand and wait to be unmuted Randy

Questions and Comments

Developing Practices and Materials for Counseling Guided Pathways BEGINS with the correct connection between the student's goals and reasons for attending college and the types of programs, scheduling and exploration available for students. How do we meet students where they are at and help them understand pathways and support available to help create rigorous goals and realistic plans. Join us as we begin to look at Guided Pathways counseling tools. 4/10/2019 Noon – 1:00 PM

Additional Resources Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design (full guide) Get Started...Collecting Student Voices (introductory tool) ASCCC GP Canvas - ASCCC Guided Pathways RESOURCES