This Joyful Eastertide A Collection of Lutheran Music ‘Christian Worship’ Edition Hymn #160 This Joyful Eastertide Text: George R. Woodward, 1848-1934 VRUECHTEN Tune: Davids Psalmen, Amsterdam, 1684 PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler
#160 - This Joyful Eastertide [1] This ****** Eastertide Away **** *** *** sorrow! My ****, *** Crucified, Has ****** ** **** **** morrow. [Refrain] Had ******, *** **** *** slain, Not ***** *** *****-*** prison, Our ***** *** **** ** vain; But *** ** ****** ******, ******, arisen; But *** ** ****** arisen.
#160 - This Joyful Eastertide [2] Death's ***** *** **** *** chill Since ***** ******* *** river, Lover ** *****, **** ill My ******* **** deliver. [Refrain] Had ******, *** **** *** slain, Not ***** *** *****-*** prison, Our ***** *** **** ** vain; But *** ** ****** ******, ******, arisen; But *** ** ****** arisen.
#160 - This Joyful Eastertide [3] My ***** ** **** ***** rest And *** * ****** slumber Till ***** **** **** ** west Shall **** *** **** ** number. [Refrain] Had ******, *** **** *** slain, Not ***** *** *****-*** prison, Our ***** *** **** ** vain; But *** ** ****** ******, ******, arisen; But *** ** ****** arisen.
A Collection of Lutheran Music Text: © A. R. Mowbray & Co. Ltd. Tune: Public Domain PowerPoint Production © 2009 Donald L. Vossler