How to use a compound microscope.
1. Turn on the light. 2. Put a slide on the stage releasing the spring-loaded clip. 3. Turn the nosepiece to select the lens – 4x (Low Power-LP)
4. Center the specimen using the knobs
5. Use Coarse Adjustment (Coarse Focus) knob to bring the stage the closest to the objective possible. 6. Adjust oculars. Make sure two circles of light merge to make one.
7. Adjust Coarse Focus down until the image appears. Specimen in field of vision: fuzzy, off-centered
8. Use Fine Focus knob to adjust the clarity of your image and Iris Diaphragm to adjust the brightness. Well-focused, centered image
9. Switch the objective to High Power one 9. Switch the objective to High Power one. Remember not to use Coarse Focus. USE FINE FOCUS ONLY!!! * you might have to adjust Iris Diaphragm and center the specimen again.
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