Infertility Management and Referral Laura Neale
History and Examination Unprotected sex 1 year (unless known problems) Primary or secondary Predisposing factors Menstrual cycle STIs Previous ectopics Galactorrhoea/hirsutism/acne Systemic diseases Drug history (NSAIDs, chemotherapy, neuroleptics) Lifestyle factors BMI Features of PCOS
Investigations (1) Anovulatory Male factor Unexplained Tubal Other Think in terms of cause Anovulatory Male factor Unexplained Tubal Other
Investigations (2) Day 2-5 FSH and LH Day 21 progesterone Semen analysis Rubella screen Chlamydia screen
Investigations (3) If anovulatory TFTs Prolactin Oestradiol Testosterone SHBG Assess tubal status (unless semen analysis abnormal)
Counselling Optimise weight Usual lifestyle advise Folic acid Investigative course Costs (emotional and financial) Chances failure (i.e. only 15% success rate per IVF cycle if age > 36)