Strategic Programme Approaches: Implementing a strategic programme approach to promote aid effectiveness. The perspective of Children in Crossfire. An Irish Aid – NGO Dialogue Meeting
Children in Crossfire: Background Appointed International Programme Coordinator in 2007 and conducted a strategic planning process ( ) to make the organisation more effective and able to deliver clearer results with sustainable impact. A traditional charitable approach Founded in 1996, with 3 staff and an annual income of 50,000. Now with 16 operations staff (12 in Ireland & 4 in Tanzania) and an annual income of 2.2 million.
Children in Crossfire & Aid Effectiveness. The Paris Declaration & Accra Agenda promotes: Strengthening Country Ownership over Development. Effective and Inclusive Partnerships. Accounting for Development Results. We have been doing this by: Increasing Organisational Capacity Increasing Organisational Effectiveness Affecting Social Change Creating an Enabling Environment.
Developed a 2010 – 2015 Organisational Strategic Plan : A Promise for the Future. Strategic focus on Early Childhood Development. (esp. MDG 2, 4 & UNCRC GC 7). Mainstreaming Inclusion. Tanzania, Ethiopia and The Gambia. All organisational teams working toward a shared vision, mission and goal. Organisational Capacity Developed 2010 – 2015 International Operations Guide.
Organisational Effectiveness Equitable partnership with the Tanzania Early Childhood Development Network (TECDEN). 200 grassroots member organisations in 14 of the 26 regions of Tanzania. TECDEN now have increased capacity and effectiveness and are recognised as a key strategic partner for the Government of Tanzania and others. TECDEN are also a strategic partner for Children in Crossfire: Access to remote and difficult areas. Access to areas where indicators show greatest need. A voice to grassroots constituency.
Ability to Affect Social Change. Through lobbying work by Children in Crossfire with TECDEN, four recommendations developed from grassroots activities have been directly absorbed into the Government of Tanzania Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy. Children in Crossfire have also played a lead role in developing a Child Rights Education for Professionals training curriculum for Tanzania. Children in Crossfire have designed and distributed English and KiSwahili versions of the curriculum, and are supporting TECDEN to deliver the curriculum to 3,000 early childhood development professionals working directly with over 150,000 young children nationwide.
Enabling Environment. Children in Crossfire were invited to prepare a position paper on Early Childhood Development, which resulted in the importance of ECD having direct mention in the Government of Tanzanias National Poverty Reduction Strategic Plan (MKUKUTA 2). Children in Crossfire have also played significant roles in the UNICEF led national taskforce on the Tanzania Law of the Child and in the UNICEF led initiative to develop a set of national indicators for early childhood development. On 22nd June 2010, Children in Crossfire will co-host an event where the report on the ECD Indicators initiative will be presented to Government of Tanzania ministers and members of the United Nations Committee on the Convention of the Rights of the Child and at which the KiSwahili version of the Child Rights Curriculum for Professionals will be officially launched.
IN IRELAND: A development education programme which builds awareness of and support for International development issues in the context of our international programme. A value-led fundraising strategy linked to the development education programme OVERSEAS: Focusing on Early Childhood Development. Influencing policy to support ECD service delivery. Supporting ECD service delivery to influence policy. Promoting shared learning between country programmes. Strategic Programme Approaches
Andrew Clenaghan International Programme Coordinator Children in Crossfire 2 St. Josephs Avenue Derry Thank You.